see #17a belowInspired by
this, and the fact that today is my sister and brother's first day back to college, I decided to make my own list of unsolicited advice for college.
Really, this advice is for my kids someday, cause I know my siblings already know much more than I ever did going to college. I can't take credit for all of this advice, I took some from the comments
DISCLAIMER - these pictures are bad (ie: distorted) because i didn't have a scanner, but you can click on them to see them better. Also, this post is very long, so now you've been warned.
Call home/family (ie: your sister) at least once a week. I had to buy calling cards when I was in college and write letters. Wow, how I wish I would have had a cell phone and easily accessible email.
my brother jordan and me 2001 (see #17b below)2.
Take lots of pictures/video.
Get a bike. I used my bike so much to go to class, store, anywhere. Plus, it is great exercise . . . I loved my bike.
Don't take a class before 10am (11am is even better).
5. If it rains or snows, go and
play outside in it. (This is life advice.)
Don't sign up for free credit cards, accounts on campus, not worth the free t-shirt, or whatever else you get. It could wreck your credit in the future.
Eat lunch on campus, even if you bring it from home. I have some great memories of eating on campus and studying.
8. If you
get a job, get a cool one. Don't waste your time cleaning bathrooms (no offense to anyone who has done this). Get a job you could only have in college or will help you with your future. I had some of the best jobs in college: student mentor, film tutor, camera operator/producer for
KBYU, taking tickets for sporting events (got to see the game for free).
Go to concerts, art exihibts, museums, and free films on campus.
Do internships. I'm a huge believer in doing as many internships as you can. You'll be able to travel to new places and network like crazy. That's how I got my current job. If you get an amazing opportunity, don't think that college is the be-all, end-all, it's ok to take a couple days off or even a semester.
Make good friends and learn to network. Studying is important, but honestly, you'll be able to have so many more job opportunities if you make good friends and network with classmates, teachers and future employers (see #10). Or take an entrepreneur class.
my roommate mel and me (i think 2001)12.
Friday Night Dance Party. Once a week turn on the music really loud and dance with your roommates for 15 minutes (or lay on the ground and mediate to the loud music.) Or take it up a notch: invite people, have a theme and dress up.
Take a Real Estate Class. If your college offers it, take it. Buying a home will probably be one of the biggest financial decisions of your life, so get the real estate education cheaply while you are at college.
14. If you can,
take a skiing class and a swimming class. Even though I had been skiing and swimming my whole life, I learned some new stuff and it was a great break from regular class.
15. If you have a class you are dreading,
take the class at night. Usually the classes are smaller and it's only one night a week. Just make sure you have someone to walk with you home afterwards.
16. If at all possible, try to schedule classes so that you can have
Fridays off or Tuesdays/Thursdays off.
my sister casi displaying some of the yard sale items (see below) it was late at night17a.
Make fun friends. Make friends that will be spontaneous (go on road trips, have dance parties (see #10), go do free stuff (see #9), dress up crazy and walk around campus, go do random stuff, play safe pranks (ie: set up a garage sale on your friends front yard (see above))
Join lots of groups/clubs on campus, you'll probably make some awesome friends there. Don't waste your time on people that are
Debbie Downers and don't want to enjoy college. Be nice to them, but don't hang around them.
Some of my cousins and me (i think in 2002)17b.
Hang out with your family members if they go to the same college as you or live close. I loved meeting up with my brother, Jordan, every day in the music library or playing pranks with my sister Casi. Also, I loved living with my cousins (horseshoe included), pumping them on my bike, or getting together with them for a picnic.
Take a photography class and/or film class that is hands on and you actually get to shoot stuff. It will give you a good basis for shooting pictures and filming video of your kids/family some day.
(better yet, take a Photoshop and AfterEffects class, also another big money saver.)19.
If you don’t like the teacher or TA, drop the class or change to another teacher. Don't be afraid to offend them, your paying for your education.
My last day at college (with roommates, cousin and sister) June 1, 200320.
Don’t be afraid to move apartments if you don’t like where you are living or your roommates. See #17.(
i got lucky, i loved 95% of my roommates.)
Take an art class, even if it is not your major, like painting, pottery, upholstery
(I really wish I would have taken this), flower decorating, cake decorating, sculpture, etc.
22. If you can swing it (and I really think it is a must),
study abroad. You'll learn so much more by traveling abroad.
Find hidden places on campus to hang out, study in the music library, take tests in the music section of the testing center.
Eat weird food combinations. Why not?
Always follow your gut and instincts. If you ever feel unsafe, then get out of that situation quickly!
Wear sunscreen. Your skin will thank you in 10 years.
Ok, so what's your advice? I'd love to hear it!