Friday, September 9, 2011

#630 - 9/11 exhibit @ the American History Smithsonian in DC

For all of you that can't make it to this 9/11 exhibit in DC, I wanted to give you a peak.  Be prepared for a picture overload.
 airplane parts, seatbeat, window shade, flight attendant button (Shanksville, Pa site)
 water cooler, announce booklet, logbook, United Air flight handbook (Shanksville, Pa)

 a can of burnt money, melted metals, a clock that feel off the wall at the exact time the plane hit the pentagon (Pentagon)
 phone, badge, uniform, m&m dispenser from someone's desk (Pentagon)
 airplane window, beeper, cell phone, doll (twin towers)
 fireman tools, a briefcase, badge, camera that took the first video of the plane flying into the World Trade Center (twin towers)
 Oster writing his thoughts
 Where were you on 9/11/01?  
I had just woken up and was trying to find our phone (back in the day we didn't have cell phones) so I push the button to make the phone beep (does that make sense) and my roommate Mel came in the front door (she had the phone and was at our neighbors watching the twin towers on tv) and she told me.  We didn't own a tv, so we went next door to our neighbors to watch it all unfold. 
 At the exhibit, you can write down your memories of 9/11 and pin them to the wall. 
 This is my friend Rachel reading some of the comments. 

I brought both of my boys to the museum and they were wild!  But while we walked through this 9/11 exhibit, they were surprisingly good.  It's almost like they sensed there was a reverence in this area.

Just every day objects, like a clock on the wall, a tin of coins, the airplane window cover, and a cell phone, have now become part of history.

It's weird to think that my boys will never know a world where we don't have to be concerned about terrorism.

#629 - "30 Parenting Tips, Easy ways to show your children you love them"

Just a photo of Parker on the Jefferson Memorial steps
Wow, it's been a while.  Hope you are well. 

I saw these 30 things on my friend Judith's blog and I thought they were a great reminder.

Source: Hubpages; by In the Doghouse

1. When was the last time you looked deeply into your child's eyes for at least 5 seconds? There is no better way to see--or be seen, by a child. Take time to look into those eyes.
2. Really listen to your child. Don't interrupt them when they are talking, or finish sentences for them.
3. Introduce your children to people. Don't act as if they aren't there.
4. Spend time with each of your children separately. It will be an experience they never forget.
5. Hold hands with your child.
6. If you're wrong, promptly admit it, and be willing to say you're sorry and that you make mistakes sometimes.
7. Always tell your children the truth. Trust, over the years will bring it's own rewards.
8. Always give your children hello and good-bye kisses.
9. Display your child's artwork and schoolwork. That is what a refrigerator door is for. If your child makes it, cherish it.
10. Remember, if your child thinks it's important, it's important. Show them you value their opinions and ideas.
11. Respect your child's privacy.
12. Be genuinely interested in your child's day. Ask about how their day went, and let them share their triumphs and disappointments with you. Make sure you listen carefully.
13. Work on a giant jigsaw puzzle with your child.Use it as quality time to talk; and make sure the TV is off.
14. Make your home a comfortable and safe place for your children to bring their friends, even when they are teenagers.
15. Start a journal for each child when they are born. Write about special moments in their life until they can write in it themselves.
16. Do more bragging than nagging.
17. Include an unexpected love note in your child's lunch box or bag.
18.When you're away, call to tell them you miss them.
19. Share with your children the hobbies that are important to YOU.
20. If you want your children to confide in you, show them that it is safe to do so first. Don't break their confidences and share their secrets with your friends.
21. Never be embarrassed to give hugs or to say "I love you" to your children, no matter what age they are.
22. Take notice of what they like.
23. Eat meals together as a family, without the distractions of TV or cell phones.
24. Take advantage of "chauffeuring" time.
25. Carry up-to-date photos of your children in your wallet or on your cell phone. They love when you show them off.
26. PLAY with your children.
27. PRAY with your children.
28. Make it a big deal when it's your child's birthday.
29. Let your child eat from a "special plate" at mealtime when they have had an extra "good day" or accomplished something great, or maybe just because.
30. Try to attend every event, game, and performance that your child is involved in.
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