Monday, August 23, 2010

#477 - shout out

I've been super lucky and won 3, yes 3, blog giveaways in the past few months.  Ok, one of them was from my sister Casi and I was the only one that entered :)
Anyway,  I won a cool, super soft Scott Free Tshirt from Paige at I *Heart* You (seriously, i heart that blog!)

I also won this awesome book (I was hoping to win the bag of yarn) above from Donna at Bardsleyland.  You've got to read this blog...very honest and funny!
And from my sister, I won a C.S. Lewis journal.  If you know me, I can never have enough journals to fill!

Thanks to all 3 of you!


Anonymous said...

thanks for the shout out tvmom. hope your day is going well. cd

Maritime Girl said...

I'm glad that you keep journals.
The dullest pencil is better than the sharpest mind. (Love that quote)

Jenn @ My Not So Glamorous Life said...

How awesome! I just won my first giveaway too! Can't wait to get my goodies... way exciting!
Congrats on your wins!

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