My Plans?
~clean the house (when is this not on my list?)~
~push Baby O on a swing at the park~
~head over to Rita's for a free Italian Ice. Too bad they don't give out custard for free...that's good stuff~
~maybe help Pepe tear down the wallpaper in our bedroom~
~make crepe batter for Sunday breakfast (it has to sit overnight)~
What are you doing to celebrate?
*photo of Baby O taken last summer.
Happy Spring, my friend! :D
thanks, happy spring to you too!
I had a very outside day to celbrate the FDOS. A short jog to one of my favorite coffee shops for breakfast with 2 friends. Then I walked home. Yard work, then kickball practice at the park. Then we went to Rita's for our free Ice. When I got home I did some gardening then went for a short jog. I went inside finally and cleaned up and then I watched my friends 2 boys. Tried to go back to Rita's but the line was too long so we had ice cream instead. We played outside a little bit also then watched the Princess and the Frog. It was a great FDOS. :-)
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