Before we moved into our house, we had to install a new counter top and bottom cabinets (they were rotted out) in our kitchen. We did it on the cheap because we eventually wanted to either tear down this house (I don't think that will ever happen) or do a more intensive remodel on our kitchen.
We were left with this ugly wall/backsplash (see BEFORE PHOTO), since our new counter top wasn't high enough. Our kitchen remodel is no where in site, so I decided to take matters into my own hands. Here's what I did:
Cut out pictures from my 2008 Eating Well Calendar (seriously gorgeous photos)
Famed them in some inexpensive picture frames from Target
Rested them on top of the counter (I didn't even hang on the wall)
That's it...hides that nasty gap between the wallpaper & counter and makes our kitchen much cheerier!
More details about the photo above:
~Food in photos from L-R: kiwi, orange, cucumber, raspberry/blueberry, tomato, chilis (out of photo)
~Notice the dishwashing liquid in the olive oil bottle - isn't that fancy? I learned that from my cousin Michelle...who I think learned it from Martha.
~Also, notice Baby O's silver cup (on the right side)? He got it from my parents and he loves to drink out of it.
So clever. It is so bright and cheery. Good idea.
I LOVE it! THis turned out so cute! What a good idea! I also love your hallway trim. I know how you feel living in a partly finished house - every finished project is definitely worth a celebration!
Oohh Very Nice! I found your blog through your Rockstar List Love it!!!
Joni - so creative! Such a great idea! Plus if you want a new look or want to decorate for the holidays you could switch out the pictures.
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