Here they are in no particular order (well, I guess the order in which we did them, but not the order of my preference):

*We went to Jim's Steaks
*Cost about $10, but we split it between the 3 of us (Baby O didn't want to eat it)
*My siblings are super healthy, that's why we got a cheese steak with all those veggies
*If I were to order it, I would have gotten it authentic with Cheesewhiz (notice the look on my face to the far right...I'm thinking "where's the Cheesewhiz?")

*Independence Hall is where the Declaration of Independence and US Constitution were adopted
*Liberty Bell wasn't crowded at all (we went during the week)...which was great for Baby O
*Loved the big grassy area...glad my siblings were there to entertain Baby O
*My pregnant belly makes an appearance again...about 35 weeks's as big as the bell!

*Baby O was sleeping, so I stayed in the car, while Kar and BT ran the stairs and hung on the Rocky Statue
*Philadelphia has a beautiful skyline
The one thing we missed was "West Philadelphia". Kar wanted to see where the Fresh Prince was born and raised...and the playgrounds where he spent most of his days.
Have you ever been to Philly? Any good recommendations of what to do?
I have never had a real Philly cheese steak. Can't wait to try them!
never been to philly. would love to see liberty bell/ independence hall etc...and eat a philly cheese steak. casi
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