Tuesday, July 19, 2011

#612 - only thing better than butter

I'm still trying to finish remodeling my kitchen, but in the meantime, I thought I'd share my favorite (food) quote that I recently put up in out kitchen.  It is right above my toaster and blender where 99% of our butter gets used.
The wall behind it used to be fake white brick wallpaper,  but I painted it with black chalkboard paint and added these vinyl letters.

I'll probably change it around, but in the meantime, I love looking at my favorite quote.  Maybe some day I'll make a print of it with brown/yellow colors (think toast and butter, not the other way those colors go together)...

And seriously, the only thing better than butter is more butter!  Sounds like a Paula Dean quote, but it's actually from my cousin Peter (although, I don't know if he remembers saying it.)  It's also a quote from a bakery in Chicago.


Pedaling said...

a great kitchen philosophy!

Maritime Girl said...

love your posts

tvmom said...

Thanks Pedaling!

tvmom said...

Thanks Mom!

Brandon and Lindsay said...

I couldn't agree more... and I like your kitchen wall. You'll have to post a picture from farther away so we can get the full effect :)

Anonymous said...

hey tv mom,
love the quote. u should post b4 and after pics of the kitchen redo. cd

tvmom said...

CD - will do, but it's not finished yet :)

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