Thursday, September 23, 2010

#496 - Mad Hot Ballroom and More Than A Game

I love being able to watch movies "on demand" in Netflix. Here's 2 movies you can watch instantly that I would recommend:

Mad Hot Ballroom - documentary about inner city kids in NYC that learn to ballroom dance.
This was adorable and charming.  I'd been meaning to watch it for a while, but I thought it was about rich kids whose parents put them into ballroom movie!

More Than A Game - Documentary about 4 friends who are basketball players and how they won the national championship.  It has LeBron James in it.
Loved the editing in this...really, I would watch it just for that...but it had an amazing story too.  Don't worry, if you are not a big basketball fan, it's still a good watch.


Anonymous said...

ive see mhb and really liked it. i need to watch for the love of the game. looks good. cd

Maritime Girl said...

I love your movie reviews. will check them out.

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