Monday, February 15, 2010

#324 - Day late

Ok, these Valentines are a day and a dollar late, but thought I would send them (via my blog) anyway.

Dear Mom and Dad,
I hope we didn't stress you out too much while you were stuck with us. I love you!via

Dear Brian & Karli,
Glad you had fun at the Olympics...jealous that you got to see Wayne Gretzky. Here's some hockey soap, since you were stuck in the car for over 1,800 miles. Only 400 more miles and you could have made it here. Love you!

Dear Jordan, Rachael & Mae,
Happy V Day and Chinese New Year! Love you!

Dear Casi and Pedro,
Here's a map to make it seem like we live closer. Love you!

Dear Pepe,
I thought about making you this, but think this is nicer. I love you!

Dear Baby O,
Seriously, I let you get away with too much, but you are so darn cute! I love you!
And to everyone else, hope you had a Happy Valentine's Day!


mabeybowman said...

ah, love these! i think we once spent a valentine's day together with de oliveira and my trainer that i can't remember her name now...ah dom pedrito... sadly, i don't remember the particulars of that day. but i sure remember the good ole' times in the upper floor of that weird creepy house that now that i'm thinking about it i'm totally getting weirded out! how did they let missionaries live there? once again, weird. but happy valentine's dy

Maritime Girl said...

thank you so much. i hope we didn't stress you out too much!!!
thanks for your blogging. I love it.

Cat said...

I love reading your blog! I look forward to it everyday! I am so glad you guys are "free" now! And many thanks for the lunch meats and sodas you got us when we were still trapped! I thank you all everyday when I am making lunches for the kids and hubby!

Anonymous said...

thanks for the valentine! we love you too!!!! cmd

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