Tuesday, August 16, 2011

#623 - basil

Every now and then I like seeing what other people eat for lunch, so I thought I would share my sandwich I had for lunch the other day.

sesame seed ezekial bread
tomato - picked 10 minutes earlier
organic spinach
basil leaves - also picked 10 minutes earlier

The basil leaves were AMAZING!!!  Mom - you should totally try this with your basil.

Do you like basil?  How do you eat it?  What do you eat for lunch?


BTM said...

I love that Basil idea! I am going to make a lettuce wrap with chicken, avocado, tomato, and basil! I know its going to taste great. The basil from your garden smells amazing!

Anonymous said...

i eat basil in thai food, and it is delish! mmmm! cd

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