Wednesday, May 11, 2011

#589 - Best Chocolate Chip Cookie in NYC - Levain Bakery

When we were in New York City last week, there were a couple of stops I wanted to make before we left the city.  One of them was Levain Bakery where they are know  to have the best chocolate chip cookies

I wanted to buy a bunch of cookies to bring them back home to everyone, but at $4 a cookie...well, you know, the economy is tough right now.
The cookies were amazing!  LOVED them!  They have walnuts in them (which I like in a cookie) and were massive.  Pepe was even impressed.

I wish I would have bought more...oh well.

Have you had these?  Someday, I might try one of the copycat recipes out there.


{Erica} said...

I devoured them when I went in February and have been dreaming of them since. I am planning on ordering a dozen for our Anniversary in August. I love love love their cookies. YUM!

tvmom said...

i know, aren't they so good! i loved hearing about your nyc trip. that's a good idea to order some for your anniversary...maybe i can convince my hubby to do them same! in fact, my husband asked me today if we had any of these cookies left over and i reminded him that they were gone in less than 24 hours...probably more like 12 hours. :)

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