Pepe's cousin lives about 3 blocks from the Little Red Lighthouse, so we decided to check this off our list of places to visit.
It's adorable and was a fun little walk. And I can't wait to read Oster and Parker the book The Little Red Lighthouse and the Great Gray Bridge.
It really is a little lighthouse...really little. Can you see it in the picture above in the bottom right corner under the bridge? (you can click on the picture to see it better)Details: we drove and parked on 181st Street then walked to the end of 181st (going west towards the Hudson). there is a long set of stairs, or your can take your stroller/bike to the right when facing the Hudson and that will take you to the entrance of the park. you could also take the subway to the 181st street stop (i think the A (blue) line is the closest).
That looks so fun. I am glad you visited that site. I love lighthouses.
Great picture and an unlikely place to find it.
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