Tuesday, April 12, 2011

#573 - Currently I am

Have you ever done this before?

Here are my currents:

listening - silence (it's 12:30am as I am typing...everyone is in bed and asleep)
eating - nothing at the moment, but i had chocolate malt milkshake from sonic yesterday
drinking - water and crunchy ice
wearing - grey tshirt and blue soccer shorts
feeling - tired/overwhelmed...but so happy to be a mom to my cute boys
weather - hot muggy - 71 degrees in the middle of the night
wanting - long term - health/happiness & short term - a full night of sleep

needing - insurance - (super long story but my insurance just dropped me)
thinking - about cleaning/organizing (notice, I'm just thinking about this)
enjoying - warmer weather, pintrest, oster's nightly routine,
wondering - how we are going to keep our chickens (read: guinea fowls) alive...we just bought them (again) to eat all the ticks in our yard.

What are your "currents"?

1 comment:

Maritime Girl said...

I will let you sleep for a full night when I come to visit.

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