Thursday, April 7, 2011

#570 - Cafe Rio in Washington DC

I'm so excited because the first Cafe Rio to open on the East Coast (yes, the entire East Coast) is opening just a few miles from me (in Olney, MD)...this is dangerous!  

Do you see the countdown on the picture above?  Only 19 more days!

I'm so excited!  Do you like Cafe Rio?  Have you been there?  What do you order?

I usually get the pork salad or tortilla soup.


Kim said...

Love Cafe Rio. I've been waiting for this day for a long time:)

Fronica said...

That's cool. It reminds me of when I discovered Jamba Juice in the DC area like 10 years ago haha, I was in heaven. Enjoy the yummy food when it opens!

tvmom said...

Thanks Fro!

Maritime Girl said...

Love the tortilla soup and the port salad.

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