
Friday, October 31, 2008

#6 - Halloween Candy

Here are my favorite Halloween Candies:

Candy Corn (and pumpkins) - Pepe's favorite

Now and Laters - i loved these when i was prego with O

Butterfinger - my sister's favorite

Whoppers - another of my sister's favorite

Baby Ruth - love the carmel
McDonald's Ice Cream Coupons - do they still do that?

Twix - i love the cookie part

"Break Me off a Piece of that Fancy Freast" -Andy from the Office

Snickers - doesn't this count as a full meal?

What's your fav?

#5 - My editor Stacey

Today, I got to edit with one of my favorite editors, Stacey. We've worked together for 3-4 years. Today, Baby O got to stop by and edit with her too...they worked great together. He kept kicking her :)

About Stacey:

* She's very honest and she always let's you know what on her mind

* She's a fast worker, get's things done in record time

* She's a great friend, who is very thoughtful. She brought me strawberries, salt and vinegar chips and tomatoes right after I had Baby O

* She edited my rockin cool baby shower video

Some shows we've worked on together:
* Nat'l Body Challenge
* JK8
* Secrets of Super Star Fitness...ahhh!!
* Sara Snow, Dan Ho
* Plastic Surgery

(p.s.- Baby O doesn't usually visit me at work, nor does he edit...he just got to pay a surprise visit to Stacey for a little bit today)

Thursday, October 30, 2008

#4 - Playmats

I'm sitting her writing this, while Baby O is trying to roll over on his playmat (the butterfly playmat). He's now able to grab the dangling things on it and it keeps him entertained.

We have 3:

a red/black/white one

a colorful butterfly one

a colorful one that has things that move up and down

Now Baby O has squirmed halfway off the mat, I better go feed the hungry boy.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

#3 - LOUD Family

The LOUD Family with my friend Stacey

Pepe and I (and Baby O before he was born) had the pleasure of meeting and hanging out with this family. I met them through work and then they invited Pepe and I over to their campground for dinner. They made yummy chicken over the fire and we hung out with them for a while just chatting about our lives. I hope they stop by when they are in town again, we now have a place big enough to host them.

If you want to see them, they are on TLC (tonight) and some other days too.

#2 - Honey Wheat Braided Twists

I bought a huge (I bought mine at costco, but this gives you an idea) box of Frito Lay "healthy" chips. 30 bags of chips . . . yum! Baked Lays, Baked Cheddar & Sour Cream Ruffles, Baked Doritos . . . and Rold Gold Honey Wheat Twists (pretzels).

Usually, I do not like pretzels, so the bags the twists where the last ones in the box. But, when I tried them, oh so yummy! You have got to try these. And there are a lot of them in the bag.

I want to go get another bag of these right now.

#1 - Baby O

It should be an important one.

My baby . . . Baby O is so much . . . so much of so many things. Here are my most favorite words to describe him right now:




INSPIRING (how can a baby be inspiring, you ask? well, i'm not sure, but he inspires me in every way.)

So many more words, but I wanted to write just a few more things about Baby O.

I am trying my very best to enjoy every moment with him. I just recently went back to work and it kills me to be away from him. The moments I do get with him, I just want to soak them in. Burn them in my brain, remember every moment of his with me.

When he smiles, when he laughs, when he cries, when he gives me a pouty face, when he sleeps, when he twitches. OH, so YUMMY!

There are so many things I love . . .

. . . and so many things I want to remember (good and bad). So I am going to blog about them and keep a record of my life. My goal is to come up with a million different things in the lifetime of this blog. Will I reach that many? Who knows? Hopefully, I make it to a trillion.

Oh, I am going to blog about stuff I love . . . my family, blogs, food (YUM), tv shows, traveling, photography, movies, quotes, swimming, the ocean, pop culture.

And blog about the other stuff in my live too.